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NASA Education Program Specialist, Stennis Space Center


Maria Lott 

NASA Education Program Specialist, Stennis Space Center 

Maria Lott is an Education Program Specialist with the Southeast Regional Office of STEM  Engagement where she serves as the NASA ASTRO CAMP® Collaborative Partners, ACCP, Project  Lead, under NASA Science Mission Directorate and Science Activation Infrastructure Programs.  

Maria received her B.S. in Science from the University of Southern Mississippi and her M.S. in  Education Curriculum/Leadership from the University of William Carey, Mississippi. She found her  passion in STEM education and leadership, working as math/science educator, Lead Teacher,  Administrator, and Academic Instructional Coach for 33 years. Retiring from public education  allowed her to continue her NASA dream job of 30 years with Stennis Space Center as NASA  Education Program Specialist and Project Lead taking a local NASA program to national and  international program participants. Maria's support for the NASA Robotics Alliance Project has  embedded FIRST Robotics into the NASA ACCP program development and serving as a FLL and  FRC volunteer judge since 2012 has provided students, educators, mentors, and communities the  opportunity to experience the FIRST Philosophies of Gracious Professionalism and Cooperation with  the core values emulated in the NASA ACCP methodology of collaborative learning. Bringing  students, educators, mentors, leaders together in teamwork, building innovations today impacting  lives while celebrating the dreams to be discovered tomorrow, drives this educator to share her  excitement with fellow FIRST volunteers and judges.

